Insanity, or just desperation? A look at Biden’s rent control idea.
What to think of Biden's rent control proposal? It's insane. Check out this opinion piece in the Washington Post.
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The Broken Window
Society loses the value of things which are uselessly destroyed. Destruction is not profit. Read about it here.
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Spain: Rent Control Leads to Rising Rental Prices
Read about Spain's disasterous experiment with rent control here.
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The evidence leaves no doubt — rent controls hurt rental supply
Rent controls are detrimental to the quality and quantity of rental housing. Housing advocates regularly distort the data and study conclusions to paint a narrative that is false. This ultimately harms renters.  Read about it in this article.
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Argentina Offers a Textbook Study in Why Rent Controls Are a Bad Idea
Check out this textbook example of the harms of rent controls here. Argentina offers an excellent case study on why rent controls and stringent rental regulations are a terrible idea. 
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